Wait what? This is the first FloatWays post in roughly a year. Maybe more. You’re probably wondering what’s going on. Read on…
See, boats are ingrained in me. I’m always going to be an ocean-going guy. Even if I take a break from boats, I always come back at some point. There is one other thing that I’m hugely passionate about though, and that is, cars.
For the last 3 years I’ve been working on a car enthusiast brand called RallyWays. Given that I live in Southern California, covering car culture is relatively easy. I mean, there are car events going on weekly, sometimes daily. It’s also quite interesting that some of the boating folks are also into cars. It’s to be expected. Boats ain’t cheap. Neither are cars.
The other reason for the focus on RallyWays is a monetary reason. Many people believe that when you run a website you make bank. Well, that is not true. With this type of website, you usually put in a lot more time and money into it than you get in return. If the expectations are to make extra money with a side-job website, you’re better off getting a part time job at night to go with your day job.
Focusing solely on RallyWays has helped me develop the brand in a much better way than I could if I were splitting my energy and time between that and FloatWays. This is the reason RallyWays is currently about 32 times more popular than FloatWays… and counting. We have many thousands of followers in social media too – particularly on Instagram and Google+.
Having said all this, I’m keeping FloatWays open and live. There are many popular and relevant articles within the site that are still very much helpful to people. The Antifouling Paint Guide is one such article. People frequently visit and take reference from it.
The RC Boats Guide is another popular article, it’s also one of the most visited pages on FloatWays. This is because it’s one of the best guides for learning about high-end RC boats out there.
Additionally, we have a number of boating sunglasses articles that have become mainstay on the website and are visited many times every single day.
Last but not least
You may have noticed that I recently completely redesigned the FloatWays website. I wanted to make sure the site stayed live. For this reason I upgraded the platform to the latest technology. The site now looks better, is easier to navigate and runs on a robust framework.
So that’s it for now. FloatWays is open and running as usual. Now with a better and much nicer website. If you are interested in contributing, I’m open to ideas. I’m also open to investors or even to sell the brand to the right person or firm. If you are interested, you can use the contact page.
Happy sailing.