Given that I grew up sailing on boats with tillers, namely Sunfish and Hobie Cats, I have lately been inclined to wanting something different – A giant stainless steel steering wheel. But which is better? As you’ve probably guessed, neither is necessarily better, they are just different. A tiller and a steering wheel both possess […]
Fractional Rig vs. Masthead Rig – Which is Better?
Of course, you’ve probably guessed that neither is necessarily better. There are pros and cons to both. There are sailors that love their fractional rigs and those that prefer masthead rigs. The fractional rig is very popular amongst racing sailboats. Essentially, a fractional rig has the forestay attached to a point a ways below the […]
Don’t Sweat It – Douse and Reef with a Lazy Jack System
A lazy jack system on your sailboat – a classic case of form vs. function. Some say it’s uncool. Some say it’s the usefulness that matters. Up to you to decide. Lazy jacks are rigging lines that are fitted to the upper section of the mast and come down towards the back and middle of […]
A Boat Steering Wheel is the Ultimate Marine Imagery for Good Reason
Now what’s so special about a boat steering wheel that we would even consider a piece about it? Well, think about it for a second. In car, unless you are talking about F1 cars, a wheel is a wheel. They are more or less the same size and as exciting as a bag of nuts […]
Used Sails Save Jerry Sailor and his Catalina 27
Buying used sails to replace old, worn out ones on your boat is an excellent way to keep your sailboat safe and running at its best. It’s also a great way to save a lot of money. If you are on a budget and your boat maintenance funds have to go towards other parts of […]